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Industry Advisory

Country-by-Country Reporting (CbCR) Portal: Launch

4 May 2018

The Country-by-Country Reporting Portal is now available for multinational enterprises groups (“MNE”) to conduct their Notification obligations to the Tax Information Authority under the Tax Information Authority (International Tax Compliance) (Country By-Country Reporting) Regulations, 2017.

The below web links will provide direct access to the Cayman Islands CbCR Portal:

Where Users experience difficulty accessing the CbCR Portal, please check with the information technology team of your Reporting Entity / MNE Group to ensure that your system allows access to the above address on TCP Port 8443.

Notification deadline for Reporting Entities resident in the Cayman Islands

May 22, 2018 will be treated as the notification deadline for Reporting Entities resident in the Cayman Islands in respect of all Constituent Entities resident in the Islands for those MNE Groups with a Fiscal Year which began on or after January 1, 2016 and ended on or before May 31, 2017.

Revised Documentation

Please use the following documents instead of any previous versions posted on the DITC’s website.

(a) CbCR – Guidance Notes
In particular, Reporting Entities must refer to Appendix I: CbCR Notification and Appendix II: The Reporting Procedure on the CbCR Portal to ensure proper use of the CbCR Portal.

(b)Constituent Entities File Template

(c) Instructions on Constituent Entities File

(d) CbC XML Schema – User Guide

Queries regarding CbC Reporting should be directed to CaymanCbCRPortal@gov.ky